We must recognise and acknowledge the jubilees! 2025 is remarkable for QPs in that respect.
The Qualified Person (QP) was first introduced into EU legal texts in the year 1975. We therefore celebrate its 50th birthday! And it is the 20th QP Forum.
This 2025 QP forum will be remembered as a jubilee highlight. It intends though, to prepare QPs for the future.
Is there only joy and delight? A lot has changed in the past 50 years and its worth to consider the developments in the world, trends and the outlook into the future. For 50 years the qualification profile for the QP has not changed. Is this still fit for purpose and the future?
The ongoing revision to the new EU Pharmaceutical legislation provides the unique opportunity to adequately modernise and strengthen the conceptual role of the QP. Will this chance be used? At the time of writing these lines, unknown. EQPA provided distinct comments, but we could not evaluate so far whether they will be heard.
More important is our professionalism in the role. This includes that we QPs take direct responsibility to develop our role together in line and speed with major developments and trends which demand continuous reflection on the QP’s role.
The 2025 QP Forum - like other offers by EQPA - will provide a fabulous platform to consider all these dimensions. Make use of this event by exchanging experiences with your colleagues and by establishing informal contacts and networking. I look forward to meeting you in Barcelona.
Best regards,
Dr Ulrich Kissel
Chairman of the Qualified Person Association
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